1. Voice lessons

  • Private lessons for 30 mins, 45 mins or 60 mins. As of now, lessons are all online until further notice
  • I teach students from age 4-60 years old
  • Important voice techniques that will help build the instrument of your voice (breathing technique, vocal resonances/placements, vibrato, healthy belt, vocal colour and improve vocal range)
  • Learning songs from a wide variety of genres (pop, classical, gospel, musical theatre, soul and R&B)
  • Development of the relationship between your voice and your artistic responses, including how you can respond vocally to get the expressive and colouristic effect you desire as part of your interpretation of a piece.
  • Finding your own unique voice that will help you sing freely and without any vocal injury
  • Music theory knowledge, vocal sight reading and ear training skills
  • Song interpretation and performance skills
  • Preparation for vocal performances, recitals, festivals in Ontario, competitions and RCM Voice Exams Levels 1-8 (Royal Conservatory of Music)

2. Piano Lessons

  • Private lessons for 30 mins, 45 mins or 60 mins. As of now, lessons are all online until further notice
  • Piano technical requirements, ear training, piano sight reading and music theory
  • Piano pieces in music genres: pop, jazz and classical
  • I teach beginner to intermediate piano classes (age 4-60 years old)
  • Preparation for performances, recitals, festivals in Ontario and RCM Piano Exams Levels 1-6

“I am so grateful that I have Candace as my vocal teacher for three years. I improved my vocal skills because Candace taught me many singing techniques in my lessons. She grew my confidence to sing in public. I enjoyed my lessons with her because she is very kind and patient and her beautiful voice inspires me to learn the songs.”

– Betty Yee

“I was a student of Candace Santos since 2015 and stopped in 2020 because of covid 19. Being a new learner at the age of 50 and a cantonese speaker, Candace spent extra effort to help me fix my accent, understand vocal terminology and expand my singing range. I can sing 3 octaves after 2 years. From Italian songs to hit songs, Candace demonstrated each difficult part and helped me understand the placement and how to master it.

I remember in our first recital, a little girl was so afraid that she cried and refused to sing on the stage. Candace gently held her and sang with her, finishing the whole song. After 3 years, the same girl sang on the stage confidently with a very beautiful voice. We were all very happy for her. Candace really did a great job. Bravo!”

– Ada Wong

“I was a student of Candace Santo for five years. She was the exact teacher I wanted. I was inconsistent with my singing. Sometimes good, sometimes bad and I did not know why. She has acute listening skills. She would pinpoint the causes of my problem, imitate my singing and demonstrate how to sing better. With practice under her guidance, my voice improved a lot, in tone, pitch range and volume. Most importantly, I can control it now. My singing technique got a revolutionary change. I was lucky I could find such a talented, skillful and patient vocal teacher. Thanks to Candace Santos!”

– Cliff Leung

“Candace is an amazing teacher and singer. I’ve taken voice lessons with her for about 5 years and piano lessons for about 1-2 years. When I was just a beginner, I didn’t know much. With Candace’s help, I’ve learned new chords, sight reading, plenty of songs, how to perform and much, much more. She’s always patient and very helpful and I enjoy taking lessons with her. To me, she holds the qualities of a great teacher. She never fails to impress me and makes sure I’m always comfortable with what I do. If I’m unable to reach a note or if I struggle with something else, she’d always try to find a solution. She’s a great teacher with great talents.”

– Cielorayne Marquez

“Candace is a good Voice Teacher. I started taking lessons when I was 6 years old and now I am 8. I learned how to sing and get confidence when I am on stage. I am now starting to get better at reaching high notes. I have been listening, focusing and practicing. Candace is a good person and a good singer, I have learned so much from her. It has been 2 years since I was learning with her, she always has patience and lets me take my time! She is a very beautiful person with her own talent!”

– Chayne Marquez

“The luckiest student ever!

It is so rare to find a teacher with the dedication that Candace has, a teacher that goes the extra mile to share her passion for music while making you grow your talent, so I consider myself the luckiest student ever to have such a teacher. I have been Candace’s student for 7 years now, started when I was 6-years old, and as a student who participates in competitions, it is of a great value to have a teacher who is not only a fantastic teacher, but also has an amazing voice, talent and could share her experiences and lessons learned, as she has won so many competitions herself. I do consider that me winning in competitions does have to do to a high degree with tips and advice that Candace shared with me. Not only for competitions, but as I am getting close to finishing the Royal Conservatory Levels, and taking exams each year, having Candace’s advice and guidance makes it not that hard every time. Thank you Candace!”

– Olivia Socol